::: Cheap Therapy :::


So, I survived my birthday, as odd and jam packed as it was. Turned out that Taryn ended up coming to the party, but she didn’t stay very long, she came with this gay guy called Dale, he was pretty cool. They said they had a few more parties to hit. She seemed to be having a good time, even though I forgot her name while I was introducing everyone. No big deal, I told her that I had been drinking since ten, so she cut me a little slack. The party went well, Susan (Jeff’s wife) cooked a massive amount of food. There were tons of it; she even managed to make a cake that looked like a woman torso! Pretty amazing.

I have been still talking to that girl from Columbia SC, Mai (pronounced ‘May’). I have to admit, she is really attractive, and very smart on how the world works, but she is a little behind on what she wants out of life, I think. We were talking about past relationships and she said that she broke up with her last boyfriend of two years (the one that she used to live with) about four months ago. Sounds like I am a rebound to her, and I don’t want it to be like that. Anyway, I am still testing the waters; I will get back to you.

Ps – as of yet, not a tit, not a kiss, and not even a holding hands with either of them; it has been about two weeks, and I have been out with either of them, several times. What does a fella have to do to get laid?


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