::: Cheap Therapy :::



A strange and wonderful week it has been.

I ran into Curtis (the tech guy from my old job at Dialog Telecom) and his wife and child at Lowe’s. It was really strange seeing him again, he had a smile on his face like always and we had made some small talk while I was cutting some Plexiglas for his wife. I would have liked to talk to him more to get the dirt on if Dialog is going out of business yet, but duty called elsewhere and I had to go running off to help another customer.
Work at Lowe’s has been generally good. I have to work pretty hard, but it keeps me in shape. It does get a little annoying listening to four different old guys telling me ‘how the job should be done’. I have been there about two months now, and pretty much have a good idea about what needs to get done.

Alecia and I are doing better than ever, well at least in my opinion. We both have been on the pill for over a month now, (her with birth control and me with Valtrex), and we finally decided it was time enough to do it without a condom. Wow, how I have missed that feeling. It’s like a whole new world, like tasting chocolate cake for the first time again; I just can’t seem to get enough. Whoever said that having sex with a condom doesn’t really feel any different than the real thing didn’t know what they were talking about!
She got her hair cut yesterday, got about three inches cut off the bottom and it looks so much better. She also has been wearing a little more makeup lately, not enough to be obvious, but just enough to make you turn your head if she walked by you in the mall; and lets not forget about those insatiable tight jeans she always wears mixed in with some nice little t-shirts. Mmmm, magnificent!

On a sadder note; one of my Uncles died a few days ago. Very sad; my dad is taking it pretty hard, it was his oldest brother, he lived in Alabama. Since today is my day off, I think I am going to go by there to console him a little. They just got back into town from the funeral.

Let’s see, I guess that’s about it for now, I will check back later…