::: Cheap Therapy :::


Aw man, I dont know

Aw man I don’t know what it is lately, I have been so tired, I haven’t been getting a lot of sleep and my back kinda hurts all the time. I wonder if it has something to do with walking all the time on that concrete floor at Lowe’s. You know, the only carpet in Lowe’s is on a shelf somewhere for someone to buy.

The job is still going pretty good. Weird inconsistent hours, but other than that, pretty cool. They keep putting me in the section of the store that houses all the tools (indubitably called Tool World) with this other guy named Matt. I think they think it’s kind of funny (my fellas in Hardware, across the isle), but Tool World is a mess. There is shit stuffed in cubbyholes that never made it to the shelf and wrappers from things that were stolen. At least most of the tools are sectioned apart (like screwdrivers are sectioned from saws), but they are all mixed up and inventory is way off. Besides that, Tool World is kinda small and lots of stuff, so they store some of the bigger items on other isles on the top shelf (which is 50ft. in the air). Try getting down a 200lb. saw on a rickety ladder from 50ft. up in the air, because they guy with the forklift is nowhere to be found, while answering questions from other patrons waiting in the mist looking to you for hope through the endless sea of plastic, wood, and metal home improvement genocide of modern America. At least it hasn’t been boring yet, even if it means I have to take dangerous chances that I even sometimes lose. Result: I already sliced open my finger while dropping a 3ft. by 4ft. piece of aluminum and some other minor bump and scrapes.

I think I’m going to get a haircut today, I surly need it, and all my gray hair is getting longer and more noticeable. I was thinking of dying it, maybe a really dark auburn red/brown (like it was when I was about 20), but I am not so sure I will such a positive reaction from work. I’m sure most of the macho homophobic men that work there would rib me about it.

Alecia started on the pill about a month ago, as we were discussing it a few nights ago. She mentioned that her boobs got fuller and I couldn’t resist a feel for myself. They have actually become fuller, like maybe even a cup size. I didn’t really get a chance to examine them in the light, as most of the night was spent watching television with my hands up her shirt. Mmmm, thoughts of her in a string bikini running through my mind, perhaps in a nice Wicked Weasel suit… She and I have been talking a lot about moving-in together. She thinks that it will take about two months for us to save up enough money, but I think it will take a lot less. I have to admit, the idea of us living together really gives me warm feelings. It just seems right. I think that she may be the one, the for real one. She has voiced some concern in the past about all the times I have said that about the girls in the past, but this is different. It’s a different kind of feeling.

Nick finally issued some divorce papers and mailed them from Vermont to Rebecca to sign and get notarized. She signed them and mailed them back, but Nick had to mail them back to the Hampton’s because she didn’t notarize them. He is still waiting to here back from her. It’s still a little weird for me, I mean, I was at their wedding, I took pictures; that was only less than a year ago, besides, he’s my brother.