::: Cheap Therapy :::


Gettin the brush off

Spoke with Beth at Near and Associates again about me being hired on full time at Dialog Telecommunications. She said, of course, wait another week because Norma will know something by the end of the week. It has been two weeks since my ‘suspension’ ended, and I am getting tired of getting brushed off. Beth asked for me to resend my resume to her, which makes me feel a little uneasy about what Norma will be discussing with me later…

I called CPCC’s Financial Aid Department, the said they haven’t even begun processing the Financial Aid requests for the Fall 06’-07’ year. The also said that I would need to call back around the end of March, or middle of April, before they would know anything.

Tonight, LOST is a repeat and Alecia is coming over. I feel really bad and frustrated about the last couple weekends that we spent together kind of sucking. Not that I didn’t enjoy spending time with her, it was just filled full of unnecessary drama on both of our parts. Maybe what we should work out as a compromise, one day of the month we will do anything that she wants to do, and one day of the month we will do what I want to do; no questions asked. That way, if I have a surprise for her or something that I have been planning for weeks on end, I can make it happen on a day that both of us will know to reserve for each other. Maybe, if I am lucky, she will plan something like a surprise for me some day.

The Perch, RiRa’s, Gillians, Pick-nick, Beach, lingerie shopping (done), Omni max, pajama day, makeover day, Cosmos, a night club, movies, topless/nude sunbathing, Museum of Craft and Design Charlotte, rollerskating, iceskating, Comedy Zone, finger painting, TutaMundo's, The Penguin...

Long Term-
Vermont, Canada, Europe, cruise, drive out to the mid-west, museums in D.C., Mountain getaway with jacuzzi, Panthers game, Memphis TN...


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