::: Cheap Therapy :::


Soul Rejuvination

Wow, what can I say? My mind is still spinning from yesterday. My body feels like jello and someone keeps turning the room on me, sometimes even spinning.

[Jaba won’t be into work today, she feels sick; thank you God! So I won’t have to deal with her hovering around the room and her little henchmen will be leaving me alone.]

Alecia came over on Saturday morning and didn’t really leave my side until Sunday night. It was exceptional! I feel so relaxed and stress free today. I had big plans for this weekend, to celebrate Valentines Day, and made a reservation at a local hotel. The game plan was to scoop her up on Friday night, take her to the hotel, enjoy a night without roommates, and on the next day take a devilish skinny dip in the hotel’s hot tub after I have filled the entire room with bubble bath bubbles. Unfortunately, she had to hang with one of her friends Friday night, so I had to cancel the reservations. Like I said; she DID, though, come over on Saturday morning and I don’t think we disconnected from each other until Sunday night. We had the most wonderful sex, I think three times but honestly, the last 72 hours have been a blur of passion, kissing, holding, biting, grinding, licking and cuddling. It was bliss; nirvana even (and I don’t mean the band). She just seems to rejuvenate my soul and calm my skittish thoughts and calm my inner anger (anger about the stupidity of other people and societies dysfunctional way of functioning; which she shares the same sentiment about how she feels about the same thing.) She said that we had the best sex that she had ever had and that she wishes that she could do something to repay me, but she already does so much for me, I just don’t think she realizes it no matter how I put it.

I love her, and everything about her. From her red hair to her tiny little toes, even when I over dose on WOW and she still eggs me on to play more. I don’t mind because I know she enjoys it. I just can’t put it into words how much and how close she has grown to me. It almost brings me to tears to think about life without her, I wouldn’t trade her for anything in the world.


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