::: Cheap Therapy :::


Feb Begins

Still captivated in the whirlwind of love, the day that we all celebrate our feelings of passion and contentment is drawing near, Valentines Day. The one day out of the year where love reigns and just about every Hotel and Bed & Breakfast is booked up so most human adults can get their groove on. Millions are spent on chocolate and flowers, but what most women really want for Valentines Day is some of your time and a little thoughtfulness. I have been trying to come up with a good idea for Valentines Day, but it’s a little difficult being so broke all the time. I thought about a nice impromptu beach trip, or maybe whisking Alecia away for a mountain rendezvous at a small Bed & Breakfast with a hot tub in the snow, [For example: azalea-inn.com] but unfortunately funds seem to be the problem. (That and they are all booked until the end of February.)

Tonight is LOST, and I believe that Alecia will be spending the night. Ooohhh, spending the night on a weeknight! Dangerous, devious, I feel like I am sneaking behind my parents back…. It is oh-so tantalizing.

Work still blows, but what else is new. It seems to be a hit or miss with that place. Either I have a fairly decent day or it completely sucks, their doesn’t seem to be any middle ground. I am really getting tired of fearing my job; fearing whether I still have a job and kissing managers and coworkers’ asses to try to keep it. Whatever…


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