::: Cheap Therapy :::


Alecia's B-day

What I wouldn’t give to work at a company that has employees that actually want to do their job, including myself. Even in a company of only two dozen people in one big room, like Dialog (my current employer) there is too much time spent trying to get other people to do their jobs because they are wasting time surfing the web or laughing and joking. It is not until ‘Jaba the Plump’ (my manager) comes rolling in that some of her other minions get the message to get to work. It all comes down to doing a job you enjoy or doing a job because you have to. (Mine would be the latter of the two.)
Just a little bitching, not really anything can be done about it unless the government comes up with a brilliant plan to ‘assign’ people jobs according to their skill and intelligence level; then we wouldn’t have brilliant people flipping burgers and complete idiots working at the DMV.

Some people have asked me; why do I have this blog about my life? My answer, because I can and I have nothing to hide, that’s why. I am hoping that maybe some people out there (the same people that I can’t stand because they are dumb or have no common sense) can use this information to compare to their life, and make it better. Maybe not compare, but it’s kind of neat to see different perspectives on things. It’s good to see something from a different angle, maybe you may catch something that you missed before… …or maybe I do it for my own self gratification, just to check and make sure I am not losing my mind.

I never, NEVER, thought that I would ever meet someone that I would get along with, someone that I actually can read their mind and they can read mine. I never thought that she would be from Florida, or that she would have ever owned a Harley or liked riding horses. It never crossed my mind that she would have been into hair bands, like ‘Animal Bag’ and ‘Poison’, or that she gets hooked on video games like a fat kid gets hooked on cake. I never would have imagined that I would be so lucky to meet someone with such a gentle touch and such beauty. I never would have thought that she would be so perfect or that she would be a nurse and that she would have stolen my heart, but I would not have it any other way.

Happy Birthday Alecia and I love you.


  • OK, well anytime i need a good laugh I come to your blogspot. You amuse me with your "love" for Alecia. I just know from knowing you that there is no way you are capable of loving anyone than yourself. You assume love comes with a bank account as far as I am concerned. Hoep she knows everything about you and SHE runs as fast as she can. OR you mayhave so brainwashed into loving you in return.Its soo sad!
    Have a great life...or what you can a good dose of REALITY.

    By Blogger MyLifeAsIChoose2LiveIt, at Saturday, January 14, 2006  

  • And by the way, I have not had the opportunity to sit home, all by myself pitying my life, with a pint of Ben & Jerry's, I have surrounded myself with people worth my time and enjoy living out lives. Friends who are true and sincere. They support me through everything I am going to experience.
    You have been nothing but a deceiving, dishonest and superfical little man since I met you and now you have someone else in your life to take advantage of. I have not forgotten nor do I dwell on ALL the broken promises and empty words you spoke to me, during the 4 months we lived together. I am actually happy you have someone to put up with your shit! And if you love her as you say and she is SOOOO beautiful(LOL) then why would you put her in risk of getting your poison?? Answer me that....Glad I wasnt there long enough to put myself in here shoes.
    You don't know what it is truly like to love someone heart & soul, you are just pretending as you always have. You are not able to look past the compromise & sacrifices you have to make to be truly in LOVE. END OF STORY...

    By Blogger MyLifeAsIChoose2LiveIt, at Saturday, January 14, 2006  

  • Well Alecia, since you now caught on to my comments, I wish you would just open your fucking eyes, but maybe your too damn stoned to open them more?? Anyways, I am glad he DOES make you happy, and he doesnt ask you for money. FYI when we lived together, he was umemployed and I paid HIS bills, but i didn't complain. I am so far from "triffling", I am completely amuzed following the happenings of Matt's life & simply expressing myself as he does through his blog.
    ALSO, how can I be stalking him, OK let me get this clear...
    I am soo fucking glad him & I don't talk anymore, that I don't pay his fucking cell phone bill an longer, and if I was stalking him, YOU would of seen me by now !! I do know where he lives, YES I been there a few times and had some great "memories" he later blogged about. So if you are so up on everything about our relationship, you have read about about how he couldnt stop "bragging" about how great our sex life was & how wonderful everything was in our bedroom...guess I had him pretty fucking hooked as far as I see it. But time to move on, RIGHT? I hear your great at BJ's...more power to you!!! Please (the right way 2 spell it) don't start with all the name calling, WE are NOT in HS anymore.
    And thank you for taking the time to view the both enjoyed taking them. Don't know why he still has them, maybe he views them when your not around?
    And I am not concerned one bit as to what you think about me, just like me about you. I have moved on from dwelling on what Matt & I had. I choose NOT to be with anyone w/ an incurable disease. SO why do YOU??? There are plenty of MEN out there who would love you with your basic look and take very good care of you w/out the worry of getting some disease?
    But hey its your life, LIVE IT the way you want. I hear you are a nurse, don't you know from all the informtation you receive and tv commericals, no MATTER how "CAREFUL" you are w/ Matt,you still put yourself at risk???HMMMM
    So get over yourself, you're not all that either, but WHO is judging...?

    By Blogger MyLifeAsIChoose2LiveIt, at Monday, January 16, 2006  

  • Soory about the one paragraph about the pics he showed you of me, clothed and naked...i meant to say ..
    Thank you for taking the time to view all my pics, I know he enjoyed taking them, no matter what you may think. Personally, wI dont care you think my pics are nasty...I know I am pretty and don't doubt my beauty nor do I feel my body is something to be ashamed of ever. He made me feel beautiful and sexy in everyway..probably how he is making you feel NOW. Duh, catch on woman, he is playing this fucking game, it is his nature..you will soon see...it took me a while myself.
    FYI...He was there when I was pierced "down there" and HE couldnt wait to enjoy it on his own..which he did after a couple of weeks..Just an little tidbit of info....He was never pressured to take the pics, he did so willingly and often had to push me a little to have him take them,,,so fuck the nasty bitch shit!!!

    By Blogger MyLifeAsIChoose2LiveIt, at Monday, January 16, 2006  

  • Thank you for replying Alecia! I will stop with the abusive comments because truly I don't know you, as a person, just as the woman Matt is dating.

    Honestly, I'm quite bitter over all the bullshit I went through with Matt. He used me for what he needed (money & sex) and one day payback will be a BITCH. FYI:I don't allow men to walk over or use me, I have made big changes since I broke up with Matt & left my husband, so who are you to say anything? Yes, Matt came into my life at a very vulnerable time, I admit it.

    I AM a good person, very big hearted, a true friend who is caring, compassionate and loving. I refuse to let anything you say bother me, it isn't in my nature.
    I would do anything for any of my friends and they have never doubted my dedication to them.

    I am not going back at you with rude comments on how you look or what kind of person you may be. From what Matt writes, you have stolen his heart, you're gentle and etc... Im not a hateful or raging bitch, actually just the opposite.
    I am just confused to how he truly feels for people in general. I mean, Haven't you read on his blog about everything w/ his past g/f's and got in detail on sexual experiences? I mean, does he have ANY respect for these women or you at all? He does this with everyone he been with. My question is, if you were soo special and he felt complete & undeniable love for you, why would he do that to you on his Blogg? He started his blog when we were no longer together, so there was no reason for me to be upset by what he wrote about me. Fact being, it is SHITTY of him to post full names, people could call it slandering of someone's name, hmmmm---Maybe my lawyer can clear that one up for me! But having that been said, it cant make you feel good about yourself.

    I blog on my site cause it is a means of therapy, I write a lot about my life and feelings, whats going on with me. I dont' do it for approval or acceptance.
    I don't understand why YOU feel I will not find what I am looking for, who are to know WHAT I am looking for?? Point being, you don't know me as I don't know you and it is best to keep it that way.
    I promise, I will no longer post comments about you on his BLOG or pass catty judgements against you, It is not my place to continue doing so. I am sorry for doing that and It will not continue.

    So have a wonderful & exciting life w/ Matt and Be HAPPY..cause I AM...

    By Blogger MyLifeAsIChoose2LiveIt, at Tuesday, January 17, 2006  

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