::: Cheap Therapy :::


Wierd Weekend

What a freaking weird ass weekend.

Let’s see, where ever do I begin?
Friday was good; Alecia spent the night, as usual. I am really starting to enjoy sleeping with her on the weekends. It gives me something to look forward during the week. I just can’t get enough rolling over and wrapping my arm around her as I bury my face in neck and hair taking in her wonderful scent. I could spend a lifetime cuddled up next to her in the mornings.

Shopping is getting exponentially and increasingly hectic, what do you expect, it’s the Holiday season, and Christmas is still a week away. Listening to my iPod makes it a little easier to shop, I don’t have to listen to that blasted Holiday music; but I lost my toboggan, which I have had for years, in Target. Maybe someone will get me a cool one for Christmas…. Hint hint hint.

Saturday was Kevin & Lisa’s Christmas party. Alecia came with me, amazingly, and we were the first ones there; the way I planned it since Alecia gets so nervous about meeting new people. She and I drank two bottles of wine by the time everyone else showed up, that was a big mistake…..well, actually, eating the spinach dip after the wine was a mistake. Mixing all that sour cream and wine was not good, and made me sick within minutes. Everyone said that I turned white as a sheet as I ran off to the bathroom to vomit. After that, I was pretty much done for, and had to lie down. Alecia managed to stumble into the room and quickly passed out beside me soon after that. I was extremely embarrassed, not from my friends, but to let Alecia see me as a ‘crawling on the floor’ drunk. Anyway, it started sleeting, so we ended up bolting around midnight hoping we wouldn’t get caught in the ice.

Well, what can I say? Minus a futile trip to Lowe’s and Home Depot for this mysterious plant present, Sunday was great. The morning filled with the scent of Alecia and sex filled the air and we pretty much relaxed all day. We didn’t do anything, it was great. Later that evening, memories of the best BJ that I have ever had, still float through my mind. Now, don’t get me wrong, it’s not all about the sex, but wow! Awesome!

Matt’s Dream Christmas List:
-Wireless Bluetooth Headphones

-Cool Toboggan

-Ducati Monster (any year)

-60gig Video iPod