::: Cheap Therapy :::


Last night was great, even though I had to wake up at 6am to take Alecia home, it was the bomb.

Still being a little uneasy about the blog, I picked Alecia up after I got off work and we went to go get a couple bottles of wine. After the quick stop by H.T. we went home so she could watch Survivor and I could work on KDH Law website. After a few glasses of wine we were both a little inebriated and decided we both needed a little 'R&R'. Just the sheer fact that we seem to be able to read each others minds are amazing, she never seems to cease to amaze me. We had a wonderful night together of messing up my bed. It looked like a bomb exploded in my room in the morning, it was great. Quite possibly the most sensual, sexy, powerful, spiritual, grinding, life changing experience I have ever had. It was so good, we had to do it again. Afterwards, we were exhausted and it felt so good to have her laying beside me, I just didn't want her to go home. So she spent the night and I had to wake up around 6am to take her home. I immediately came directly back home and went back to bed. I can barely keep my eyeballs open, but I have a smile on my face....

**Note to self:
In the one in a million chance that you are lucky enough to get within reaching distance of your shooting star, grab it and hang on for dear life and never let go.


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