::: Cheap Therapy :::


It is a beautiful Monday morning, too bad I have to spend it at work. 75 degrees and sunny.

So, it has been about two weeks, at least two weeks since we started talking on the phone. It's been about a month since the initial contact with each other on Yahoo Personals (which, by the way, I finally was able to cancel my subscription with Yahoo, ...damn $20 fees!). Never-the-less, it have been a very slow process, but I am glad that we are taking it carefully. We have hung out on several occasions, and we seem to get along so well together, so I decided to take the plunge, I asked her to spend the night. She came over on Friday, and didn't end up leaving until Sunday afternoon. It was great. We didn't do much of anything all weekend, didn't even play World Of Warcraft, we pretty much spent 80% of the time in the bed. Yea, I know what you are thinking, and NO we didn't even have sex. We laid there, talked mostly, shared thoughts and experiences; overall it was one of the best weekends that I have spent with a woman (that didn't involve sex). The temptation was unrealistic, Alecia is very sensual, shy and reserved. She worries allot about what my reactions would be to her actions, but I know it is just because she cares. She thinks like me and can carry a conversation about anything from a speck on the wall one minute to hypothetical astrology theory the next, without even skipping a beat. We have VERY good chemistry, and seem to get along very well. We talked about sex a little, I told her that I was not in any rush, which kinda relieved some pressure. The last few visits together, I have been running a few test to see how she would solve them and see what actually makes her tick, and I must say she seems to be passing them with frying colors. She obviously has very good self-restraint, can think quick on her feet, and apparently has a deeper darker dirtier side to her personality. We, of course, had a 'sexual' conversation about do's and don'ts; I don't want to say anything that would embarrass her, but I will say that it's very intriguing and I can't wait to find out more or experience it for myself.

Anyway, I don't want to make this too long, rambling on and on. I will have to find out some more information and get back with an update...


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