::: Cheap Therapy :::


Last night was good.

A few days ago, I called Jen to see if she wanted to talk (from a previously ignored text message that she sent me on my phone). No intentions to underlying plans (like getting laid); I didn't have any other alterior motives this time, I just wanted to see how she was doing (considering we used to date and she lived with me). So, she came over around seven, we sat outside for a few hours conversating, and "talkin' to elvis". She was telling me all about her adventures with all the new men she has been picking up in bars and online, and I actually started to feel jelous. I tried my best not to show it, not to let her think that she had the upperhand, considering the last month between us has not been that all peachy-keen. Of course, when she smokes a little, she has a tendacy not to know when to shut-up. She started to tell me a story about this girl that she met in a bar, much older than she is, and went on a motorcycle ride with this 'alternativly lifestyled' woman. Well, I won't give away all the details (sorry hornballs), but needless to say she got a little lesbian action. When she told me that, I couldn't keep my mouth shut, it just kinda hung open with my eyes wide. I wasn't astonished, just a little more intregued (even if it was with a ball busting butch biker bitch...) Of course, after the few hours of talking, we both had to let off some steam and 'took care of some business'. We tried a few diffrent moves, and it was awsome as usual. (she has never lacked in that area.)

So, Jon is breaking my balls tonight about updating one of our customer's websites. (the deal is that he is supposed to get me customers, and I would build their websites.) Anyway, a customer sent me an email about updating an employee profile on one of their pages, and they are over their four updates for a year so they should be charged. Jon spoke with the account holder and is going to give it to her for free because it is a 'typo error' done on their part, so they are just correcting their mistake. But I disagree, I think that they are over their 4 updates a year, so they should be charged (that is what proof readers are for). So, whatever, I did the chages anyway, and gave Jon some angry bullshit over the IM. That is just about all I can do about it right now, but later, you can bet that I will be getting up with him to renegotiate contract details.

My day job, is well...still filled with sounds of phones ringing of the hook and customers screaming about thier phones not working. All is the same in the call center world, no matter how big or how small.


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