::: Cheap Therapy :::


Today is partly cloudy, very windy (around 20-30mph), and the temperature isn’t too cold; around 50 degrees. Today has been pretty good so far. I got to sleep in a little late because I met a customer at the Arboretum this morning. I had to pass off a file that I made the night before from home because my work computer blows. The EPS ended up being about 500mb, no way in hell my shitty machine at work could handle that. Yesterday, when I asked Dave if I could leave early to work on the file from home, he was baffled and confused to why I had to go home to work on it when I had a computer at work. After I explained that my 3-year-old work machine wasn’t powerful enough, he still didn’t understand. What an idiot. It sure would make my job a whole lot easier if he would learn about computers. If you haven’t figured it out, I am still at Pinnacle Amusements. A few things have changed though, we moved to a new 20,000 sq. foot location off of Wilkinson Blvd. It’s still the same distance from the house (about 20min. drive). It is nice that I don’t have to deal with Dave in the same office on a day to day, but he is so helpless, we all have to basically hold his hand or just do whatever it is just to keep the business going. Dave just sits in his office and looks for shit for us to do. Usually we come into the office and find lists on our desks of what we need to accomplish for the day. One thing that I have noticed, though, is that when Dave is not here, we ALL pretty much get everything done because Dave isn’t bothering us every couple hours with some trivial task.
I got some new toys! I may have mentioned it, I may not have, but my glorious Powerbook G3 finally bit the dust. I know I got my Gateway not too long ago, but I really missed my Apple and especially the portability of it. So, I got a new iBook G4 with a 20gig iPod. The computer has 256mb RAM (upgradeable to over 1gig), 14” screen, Airport (wireless internet) and a CD-RW drive. Needless to say, I love it. The new Mac OSX Jaguar is awesome. It has so many little differences that just make the whole package far more superior to a windows machine. Of course, no sooner than I got the computer and turned it on, I noticed on the Apple site that they are just about to come out with a new OS called OSX Tiger. It has a fully customizable interface and GUI support. What does that really mean? Well, you can make things for your desktop that run in the background, to make your office work a little more efficient. (For example; a weather GUI that will tell you the most up-to-date forecast, or calendar, or contact list.) The wireless Internet has got to be the best invention of 2003. For all you novices, you must first purchase a wireless router, and then have a wireless card inside the machine. It’s not like I am made out of money, but I got my tax return back (around $600) and also approved for a $2000 Mastercard through Apple (16% APR) with 90 days same as cash. So, hopefully, I can drop the $600 toward the computer / iPod (which rounded off around $1800.00) and pay off the rest within the next few months. (Hopefully)
Anyway, I caught up with Lisa a few weeks ago. I found a Christmas card of Santa walking into a porn shop and it reminded me of her (besides the fact that there is a CC Dickson Company across the street from the old warehouse). She has been coming over a few times a week; we play Balders Gate (A Dungeons & Dragons type game for the Xbox) and usually have sex, that’s always a nice perk. She really has gotten her life together with the exception of a job. She is still in school, with no hopes of deciding a major anytime soon. She quit smoking, she quit drinking Mt. Dew, she even quit Paxil, and in doing that she stopped picking scabs on her legs and they cleared up. She cut her hair (although growing it back out to my disappointment) and has started to open up to me emotionally and personally, which makes sex a little bit better than before. She still has a little trouble having an orgasm, but I think it has a lot to do with me having to wear condoms every time.


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