::: Cheap Therapy :::


Well, if you can’t tell, allot has been going on lately. That is the primary reason why I haven’t written anything in a while. I got a new job, still got the new girl (Jennifer), and am leaving for the Hamptons’ (NY) day after tomorrow for Nick’s wedding/dinner/party thing. Jenny and I first decided that we were going to rent a car, until we found out that it would cost us about $500, so I decided to just drive my car, although considering Jen doesn’t know how to drive a stick that means I am going to be behind the wheel all the way up there and all the way back. (Probably not the wisest decision, but we will just have to deal with it considering out short fund at the moment)

So, I got a new job (finally after about three months of joblessness) at Lucent Technologies. I make invoices for their equipment that goes for repair or replacement, pretty easy stuff if I could ever get the hang of it. There is allot of conditions that apply according to the country that the package is coming from or going to and what it is there for (repair, replacement, no trouble found, or junk). I get to wear pretty much whatever I want and listen to my ipod all day, so it’s not all bad. It is a hell of allot better than Pinnacle Amusements and Onstar. After getting out of their grip, it’s amazing to find out what the real work force is like. People don’t hound over you or hover while you do your job. Most other businesses don’t have stupid rules that have no purpose, or have seven managers to tame their employees. Onstar was just like a circus, and considering 80% of their employees were black, and 50% of that was from the ghetto, that just didn’t make things easier for anyone. Pinnacle Amusements was the exact opposite, a married couple going through a divorce trying to make the company work before they either die or retire, whichever one comes first. Dave and Cindy Fisher (owners of Pinnacle) seemed to be grasping at every limb and root to try to save them on the way to hell. (Burn you bitches, burn!) (Maybe I should reconsider sending them a virus to their email; they would be stupid enough to open it….)

So, “What about this new girl Jennifer?”; you might say. Well, it has got to be the toughest and strangest thing that I have ever put myself through so far. Here is the deal, (and this is the short version) we meet during a Pinnacle Amusements event where we both sold prizes. As soon as we met each other we felt like we knew each other for years, her husband (Ben) beat her during a heated argument one night, I offer my place for her to stay but only after she has separation papers signed, she gets a restraining order and separation papers, he calls and calls and calls, she got a new job and returned her house key and garage door opener to him. All that happened in a matter of about a month. She has been living with me for about 8 weeks now. Jason (my long time roommate of about two years) decided to move out because he was intimidated by the situation. His last day at the house was three days ago, and I must say it’s been pretty nice. Jen and I went out and bought a bunch of groceries, and since Jason and his stoner ass isn’t there, they probably will last us a while. Jennifer is a 4 foot 11 inch fireball that has been told what to do most of her life. She has high spirits most of the time, but has a very bad jealous side to her. She gets worried if she hears me talk to another woman, she thinks they are going to ‘steal’ me away from her. (I hate to tell her, but she doesn’t own me) I have to admit, she has real potential, I can see that inside and beyond all that jealousy and self-consciousness I can see someone that wants to be free. Someone that doesn’t know what wonderful things there are in the world, and I want to be the one to show her. She is so sweet and so thoughtful, but I think that is because she had no choice when she was with Ben. For eight years he went around throwing a hissy-fit when he was inconvenienced, which of course just made her feel bad. So now, she tries to go out of her way to please me, and frankly that’s not really necessary. I am an easy going guy and have been taking care of myself for the last ten years, but when I tell her not to help me, she just get offended and angry. (I guess she takes it personally) I really don’t have anything to complain about besides that she requires attention from me 24/7 (as Ben did with her, except he always told her what to do where as I am wanting her to experience her own things) and that she could probably 10-15 pounds and get into shape. Other than that, she would be perfect. Jennifer is definitely the best girlfriend that I have ever had. Sure, she comes with a little marriage baggage, but she doesn’t have kids, she doesn’t have a drinking or drug problem (besides smoking some weed), she is mentally stable (to a certain extent, I mean come on, she is a woman above all and they ALL have some mental issues about them). Anyway, she is a great girl, and how she got stuck with such an ass hole for the last eight years, I will never know, but it is going to be a long haul to undo all the damage Ben has done to her, but I am willing to make the effort and willing to wait, besides…. it’s going to be a year before the divorce is final, but that’s also when the retraining order expires so that may be a whole new ballgame.


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