::: Cheap Therapy :::


Well, allot has happened in the last week or so. I got fired (well, relieved) from my position at Lucent Technologies, and also told by my parents that they have sold their house and they will be moving into Innisfree at the end of the month.

When I was at Lucent, Chris (the guy that hired me) pulled me off into a side office and said; 'that he didn't think that I could actually DO the job.' I told him that it probably had something to do with the fact that I haven't had any formal training in the position by a qualified trainer. When I started this job, I was made aware that our department didn't have an immediate supervisor and that we were responsible for our actions (being on time, wearing the right clothes, etc etc...). That I can handle, but in the two months that followed that; I was trained only half way on only half of the material. So anyway, I tried to keep my job by trying to reason with Chris, but apparently they decision was handed down from higher above, so I might as well have been talking to the door knob. I worked the rest of my week, (meanwhile Chris went to play golf) and then I left. So about a week passed without any word from jobs, until this temp agency called back that I have worked with in the past. They said that they had an OPS manager position at a new call center that opened. (now, I know I am not really a big fan of the call centers, but I do have experience and it did seem like a good position) Anyway, I went to the place and spoke with the huge fat black lady that was in charge of hiring. I put on the 'perfect worker' charm, and she was excited to have me join the team. Unfortunately, she made me aware that the OPS manager position had been taken, but i could join the floor as a regular advisor. I was pretty desperate, so I took it. It's not all that bad, all I have to do is take orders for new home telephone service and try to up-sell people for long distance and dial-up internet. Surprisingly, it's pretty easy, the major customer base of Dialog Telecommunications is mainly the back water red-neck trailer park trash of Kentucky, Mississippi, and North Carolina. I have only worked there a solid week, but in that week they bought lunch for everyone twice, ice cream one day, and cookies another. So it kinda feels like I might be there a little while, catch up on some bills.

So, moving. AAAARRRRGGGG, so many boxes, so little time. I am so tired of moving boxes around. When I found out that I would have to move, I signed up on roommates.com and got some replies pretty quickly. Of course, I couldn’t just leave my cat, so it was a little difficult finding a place that would accept a cat and that was pretty cheap. I met this guy named Jimmy online, and he seemed to fit both of the requirements. $325 for rent and he has a cat. It’s not exactly in the best apartment complex in Charlotte, but it definitely isn’t the worst either. Allot of Mexicans, but at least they respect your stuff (i.e.- no loud meximusic.) Now, I didn’t tell you this, but Jimmy is gay. I have never lived with anyone that was gay, but you couldn’t tell by looking at him. He actually sleeps allot, and is pretty chill. I am still not completely clear on where he works, but it’s during the afternoon/evening hours, so I probably with be home alone allot. I managed to move just about everything i needed into his apartment in one day (yesterday) and now my arms feel like they are going to fall off. The place is on the third floor; yea, i know, ouch. I still need to go back to the house to get the rest of my clothes and some small miscellaneous things. I need to clean it up a little bit too because in the last weeks rush on getting fired, hired, kicked out, packing, and moving, I made quite the mess.

You know, I should probably get off of this thing and get over there to finish up cleaning, but I have been feeling a little depressed in the relationship field. This girl that I used to date (Jen) has been helping me move and pack, fortunate for her (to my knowledge) she doesn’t have anything (disease wise). We worked out a deal a while ago (after we broke up) that she has needs and I have wants and she wanted to still sleep together on the side. That was ok with me, for about a week. I started to really think about giving her something and started to feel really guilty. Last night, she came over to help me carry some of these damn boxes up the three flights of stairs and she wanted to get some; I pushed her away, we sat down and talked about it. I told her that it bothered me that i have something and that she managed not to get anything and that it would make feel better if we just didn’t fuck anymore. Of course, she wanted to go soon after that (kinda gives me a good perspective on exactly what her real intentions were). Just kinda makes me feel bad, like I am dirty and filled full of poison. It’s really sucks. What makes it even worse, is that through all the stress of job and place to live, I had an outbreak on top of it all. So I am almost all over that now, and my body is returning back to normal, thank god.

i need a real hug.


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