::: Cheap Therapy :::


aw man, my head is throbbing. Went to Yellow Rose last nice, played some pool but mostly drank beer. It has been about a month sice I really enjoyed a beer, but last night they were getting better and better as they each came across the bar one by one. I think I made quite of an ass of myself last night, the more I drank the better at pool I got and the more arrogant i was. I guess it's alright, I usually don't drink like that, nor hang out and shoot pool with Brian and Jon very often.

I got some more RAM for my laptop (Yukiko Apple -- it means figurativly 'little, white like snow, apple') I figured I would max her out, so I got a gig chip which brings it to 1256. More RAM than I have ever had in any machine before, Including my desktop Gateway machine. It runs like a dream. I was able to install Virtual PC (for Guild Wars, otherwise I wouldn't dare have that nasty infectious operating system on my mac) and still have plenty of RAM to swich back and forth in between the two. It feels like running a computer the way the computer should be running. I am still looking for a keygen for Adobe CS2, so I can finally get a website up for myself. I have been trying to use Dreamweaver instead of Golive until I can get CS2 (with GoLive) installed, but that program is so difficult when it comes to the actual manipulation of the objects as they are being layed out. It just seems like too much trouble to learn if I am goiong to figure out the keycode for CS2, but allot of companies do use it for some reason.


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