::: Cheap Therapy :::


Wow, I feel like crap today. It has rained for the past two days, some tropical storm from the coast floating over the inland. Hasn't made the weather cooler, just more humid and muggy.

Work is work. A call center is a call center, no matter how big or small. I come in, I answer phones and listen to people complain all day, then I leave. At least the people that I work with are a little more level headed than some of my previous co-workers. Last night, Norma (my boss)pulled me off to the side after my shift and showed me a ticket I sent in to activate phone service at an address that doesn't exist. I apologized and said that I didn't know what I was thinking, and tried to call the customer back to tell them that we can't activate them, but got no answer (not even an answering machine, or I would have left a message). I feel pretty bad about that, but after I wasn't able to reach the customer she gave me a speech about taking care of our customers and watching what we are doing on the computers. (this coming from the same person that laughs hysterically at you when someone says that they have a manager call, she is the manager, but doesn't take manager calls. In fact, none of the managers here take those type of calls. They just looks at you and tell you to just 'get rid of them'.) Typical hypocritical call center.

I heard from Tara last night, finally. It has been a few weeks since she told me that she would be moving in with this guy she met in Florida. That's too bad, but it's not like I could really try to date her anyway, she is 800 miles away. I should be happy that she has found someone that makes her happy, but I can't help but feel a little jealous. She had time for just a few sentences in her email, about her anticipation of taking her final Massage Therapy Exam, and the fact that she found a coffee shop in Charlotte that sells her favorite coffee. I think I will go by there and get a pound of it and mail it to her, if I can possibly get her address...


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