::: Cheap Therapy :::


Well, I guess the cat is out of the bag. Last night Alecia told me that she found my blog over three weeks ago and that she read everything on it. I didn't really know what to say; I was kind of speechless. Seeing as she kept it from me for three weeks, I don't know if she has any problems with anything she read, or what she thinks about it. I am still kind of in the dark about the whole thing. She said that she did feel bad about keeping it from me for so long, and I am glad that she did finally tell me....Instead of acting surprised when I finally did show her. I guess it really couldn't have happened any other way. I guess deep down I wanted her to find it and read it all because I probably wouldn't have been confident enough to show her on my own considering a lot of it is kind of embarrassing. So now she knows, she probably is reading this right now, but never-the-less, I can't exactly be mad at her. If the tables were turned and I found her diary, I would read it and not tell her.

The cat is out of the bag...


  • Damn..she found your blog. Wonder what SHE really must be thinking. I guess she KNOWS all and more if you hadn't been upfront from the beginning on some things. Hope it keeps going as well for you as expected...Could it REALLY be "L" or just infactuation with a girl you met and who gives you all the attention you need?

    By Blogger MyLifeAsIChoose2LiveIt, at Tuesday, December 06, 2005  

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