::: Cheap Therapy :::


It is foggy, heavy mist outside, about 65 degrees, cool, breezy.

I think I am getting sick. My nose keeps running and the back of my throat is killing me. Most of the people at work had off Thurs and Friday for Thanksgiving. I invited Alecia, but she declined, stating she was heading to Georgia to visit her dad. I was sick most of the time, I had some bad leftovers on Wednesday night and ended up throwing up for the next two days. After I got over that, my throat started hurting and I got a cough. I feel like my head is going to implode from all the pressure.

Alecia came back into town on Saturday afternoon, she spent the night again and played a little WOW on Sunday, it was nice. I really like going out with her in the evenings and picking out a couple bottles of wine to taste test and relax.

Anyway, I am feeling pretty shitty, so I am gonna make this one short.


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