::: Cheap Therapy :::


Call centers suck.

No matter what the product is that you are trying to push on the public, the bureaucrat manipulation of employees being treated like sheep, never changes. Usually run by over-the-hill black women that have no other training than sitting on their ass and shoveling massive amounts of snack food in their faces; spitting out crumbs with every degrading command, these new age dictators remind me of Jaba the Hut from Star Wars. Of course every evil superpower have their minions, people they call friends and co-workers, but in reality they are just miniature version of the majority evil. Usually these lesser evil goblins, usually also 'African American', have gargantuan lips for better ass kissing to Jaba. I guess the only thing worse that a Jaba the Hut and the following of attitude filled and majoritivly ignorant minions, would be the 'same level' workers with chips on their shoulders that will walk any walk or talk any talk, just to get a glimpse of what it would be like to be a little higher in a company that has no future in the first place.

Even though you think you may be right, or that your way of doing things would be more efficent, no one will listen. Just keep smiling, laugh at there dry stupid jokes. Compliment them on their horrid ghetto clothing, because the truth of the matter is that you need a job, and no matter how messed up in the brain you are, a call center will always hire.

Monkeys can push buttons too...


  • Very interesting thoughts on your current job. How true they are and always will be. I never thought you would make it this long there, to be honest! Sounds like all is going well for you and I ony wish you complete happiness...

    By Blogger MyLifeAsIChoose2LiveIt, at Wednesday, November 16, 2005  

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