::: Cheap Therapy :::


What IS Love?

A conversation about Love Alecia and I had a few nights ago...
She said, “Love doesn't fit into words for one thing, infatuation does however. Maybe that's how it starts, but then becomes so much more, any words just fall short of what it really is and the way it changes you from who you were into somebody new.”
I said, “I think maybe a simple way to put it; I think Love is when you unconsciously start using ‘we’ instead of ‘I’.”
She said, "Just like you mentioned the ‘I’ becoming ‘we’ thing, you know? Perhaps "Love" is more of an action than a word; it can't properly be described. Maybe you can't even really tell someone that you love them, you can only show them. Hmmmm...still pondering..."
If anyone has a reply or a good explination of what Love is or how to describe it, please feel free to leave comments on this entry....


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