::: Cheap Therapy :::


Tis' the season...

I got allot of catching up to do, so prepare yourself;

Well, Christmas has come and gone, but we are still on the downward hump toward New Years. Christmas was great; Alecia came with me to Kelly’s for Christmas breakfast and opening of presents. I tried to take allot of pictures for another slideshow, but I was a little preoccupied with the massive destruction of wrapping paper and bows alike. Nick didn’t make it until that night, but at least he has been in town for the last five days; he will be going back to Vermont Saturday early morning.

Christmas morning was the best feeling, although getting up at 7 am wasn’t exactly pleasant, waking up with Alecia made the morning much more tolerable. I guess I got a little too greedy this year and kind of feel bad about not really putting a whole lot of thought into my gifts (gift certificates for everyone). Never-the-less, this is what I got; Toboggan and Chap-Stick (from Alecia), $50 certificate to electronic store in Vermont (from Nick) [which I spent on new headphones for my iPod. Second generation iPod headphones with noise reduction – they sound great!], Spiderman football and Spiderman nightlight (from Jimmy), and the iHome Radio System (from Mom / Dad & Kelly). Of course, none of my friends got me anything, not even a batch of cookies or a couple beers. Kevin and Lisa got me a metal ‘alcoholic drink mixer’ and a ‘how to-mixed drink’ book (which I re-gifted and gave to Jimmy as his present). After all the presents were opened, we all ate breakfast and swapped stories about stupid stuff we did as kids. That night when Nick got into town, we (Alecia and I) went over to Mom and Dads to have Christmas dinner. I think Alecia was a little overwhelmed at first by all the ‘brotherly and sisterly love’ that was going around (usually consisting of us telling embarrassing stories about each other with a small side of arguments). Overall Christmas was pretty good. I got to spend it with my Honey, I got some good stuff, ate allot and spent some quality time with some family. That is what the Holidays are all about, I guess.

I went to the Yellow Rose last night with Nick and played some random guys in pool. I tried to lay low and not shark them, but I couldn’t help myself. A couple times I forgot what I was doing and would start getting too many balls in (like a 5-7 ball run), my semi-drunk and slightly retarded opponent started to figure out I was putting him on (and seeing as he was double my age and size, I had to lighten up a little or worry about some broken fingers). Anyway, it was good to play some pool with my bro and shoot the shit, and it’s been a while since I’ve seen him in person considering he lives in Vermont. He is going to Boston for New Years, too bad I don’t have the money, or I would go with him for the weekend.

As far as what I will be doing for New Years, I have no idea. I know Kelly’s B-day is coming up on 01/04, and Alecia’s birthday isn’t that far behind, but I just can’t remember exactly what day. I have no idea on what to give either of them. Honestly I am kind of ‘shopped out’ from Christmas for the time being.


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