::: Cheap Therapy :::


Cold Rainy Monday.

It’s pouring outside, it’s cold and windy, a perfect day to stay inside and cuddle up with someone by the fire. Unfortunately this is Monday, which means work; and it seems to be slammed today. Blahuck!

24 comes on tonight, yea for that! I hope Alecia will come over and watch it with me, because she is the bomb and I wouldn’t mind spending every waking moment with her. I just feel more ‘centered’ when I am around her. She reminds me sometimes of a mythical fairytale that would involve a ‘Mother Nature Goddess' character that speaks and moves softly through a morning mist in the woods. I know, it sounds weird, but I am not exactly the norm either. She seems to bring piece to my soul.

Work is crawling by; this is the first week that I actually get paid by Dialog and not some third party temp place. A $4 raise is always good. Now I just need to work on getting some insurance.


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