::: Cheap Therapy :::


Blog Warz!

Well, ladies and gentleman; boys and girls of all ages, we have a title bout today for the Super Drama-Weight Belt of the United States of Whiners.

In the red corner, weighing in at 108lbs at 5’-10”; making her title debut, all the way from Florida, we have sexy and voluptuous ‘Foxy Red’!
In the blue corner, weighing in at 140lbs at 4’-11”; the returning champion of drama and title defender, all the way from New Jersey, we have the bitchy and sluttish ‘Shorty Rocks’!

I am not sure if anyone even pays any attention to the comments section at the bottom of each of my entries, but their has been a war going on between Jenny (ex-gf) and Alecia (current-gf). Honestly, Jenny started it; back a few months ago, she started leaving snide comments about Alecia, and we both tried to rise above it. We tried to be civil and try not to respond to such trivial dramatizations and insignificant negative gestures in a petty attempt to gain notoriety, but unfortunately Jenny persisted. After weeks and weeks of stating she wanted to have nothing to do with me, and even starting a blog of her own to further express her unyielding devotion to hating me, she still spends more time on my blog than anyone. So this message is to (Yahoo IM) 'lilroxy76'; you are on ‘the list’. Yes, that’s right; ‘the list’. This means basically if you were on fire, I would not piss on you to put you out. As per the rules and regulations of 'the list', fingered gestures and a possibility of being spit on on-site, in addition no respect, no sympathy, and no honor will ever be given to you from me at my discretion. Basically, if at all possible, I will use any resources I have to make your life miserable. Not that Jenny will even care that she is on ‘the list’, and surely she will be leaving comments about being on it. On a side note, Jenny is the only girlfriend that I have ever had (even compared to High School) that has developed into the most psychotic and emotionally unstable human that I have ever encountered on a relationship level. I have one word for her: “therapy

So that being said, and pausing for a commercial break, let the games begin! Ding Ding!


  • Does it make it you feel like a BIGGER person for having me on your "list"...As if I could give a flying fuck as to what lists I am on or what YOU write about me!

    On A Side NOTE...Take your Nasty, Diseased and Pitiful, Pathetic ASS and screw yourself...!

    I am not asking for ANYTHING from you....You have NOTHING I EVER WANTED....

    By Blogger MyLifeAsIChoose2LiveIt, at Tuesday, January 17, 2006  

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