::: Cheap Therapy :::


Temp Again!

Well, I guess I spoke too soon. Just when I got my hopes up and thought that I might actually be getting a break in life. Alas, my fortress of dreams has crumbled; looks like Dialog has decided to retract their statement about hiring me on full time and the $4 raise. It turns out that on Saturday I spoke with someone over the phone that didn’t like what I had to say so they wrote a letter of complaint about me stating that I was very rude. Norma (the ‘Jabba Boss’) decided that seeing as we just had a conversation about ‘being rude’ on Friday, that she would keep me on temp for another month. So, of course, being the way that I am, I like to always try to have the upper hand.

  • First thing; talk softer on the phone. If the closest manager doesn’t hear me, they won’t have anything to suspect.
  • Secondly; I figured out on my phone how to record any call and export it digitally as a WAV file so I can send it, save it, and use it later if necessary.

I saw a funny bumper sticker on the internet; it seems to apply to just about anything:

(choose two)


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