::: Cheap Therapy :::


Day of reckoning

Well, it looks like I am going to be taking the big plunge. I have finally gotten off my lazy ass to go back to school, well at least started the process. A few days ago, I went to see a ‘counselor’ (all he did was print out a list of my completed classes from 2000) and we worked out that it would probably be best for me just to complete my current degree – Associates in Computer Sciences with Advertising and Graphic Design. That sounds much more official than a ‘drawing degree’ or an ‘illustrationeer’. CPCC (Central Piedmont Community College) has really changed in the past 6 years since I have been there. The school has pretty much revamped most of the campus and moved allot of the classes around, but the art department is still in the good ol’ cellar building. (A much smaller building that is actually lower in somewhat in the ground compared to the other buildings. It is older, damp, and a little moldy, but I feel such a sense of creativity just by walking near the front door. It feels like a warm glow emanating from the building, like the way the sun warms your bare skin on a cold day.)

Work is still…….well, work. What can I say about it? It blows big ass monkey balls. This current job that I have at Dialog Telecommunications is one of the biggest reasons why I am going back to school. I have come to realize that I am smarter than all these fools that I run into at the gas stations and Best Buy. I know I tried the school thing earlier (from 1998-2000) and I quit because I felt that I wasn’t really learning anything. Well, the fact that whether you learn anything or not is really irrelevant in the real world, one of the major things is that you have that diploma. There are so many dumb asses in the world, and the diploma (evidently) is the only way that jobs determine who is full of shit and who actually knows their stuff.

I haven’t really worked out how I am going to pay for school, but I do know that my current job (‘crapalog’) is probably not going to work with me as far as a school schedule goes. I am going to the mother-ship’s house to go over Financial Aid forms this weekend, and to do my taxes. Joy joy joy! Forms forms forms! Headache headache headache! ……but it’s a means to an end.


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