::: Cheap Therapy :::


A Valentines letter to Alecia

The sight of you calms my soul and mind races as soon as you step through my door almost every evening. I can’t seem to see enough of you, as an hour of time with you appears to go by in seconds. I feel empty when you are away, like someone had ripped my very essence out of my body. Just having you near seems to put mind to rest and thoughts of us being together as two old people sipping tea and still holding hands in our 80’s, watching the sunset, float though my mind.

It’s difficult to put into words how complete you make me feel; how you can gently touch my hand and shivers creep up my spine. You do so many things that I appreciate on a daily basis that I don’t even know if you know I care.

We seem to have a telepathic bond like none other, we almost don’t have to speak to one another; you can just look at me a certain way and I know what is on your mind.

You seem to never tire of scratching my back or running your fingers though my hair as we have spent countless hours on that uncomfortable couch.

I have walked in your footsteps from Horde to Alliance Continent and back again on a game that I really had no interest in the beginning, but may not be able to live without after spending priceless hours helping each other, I wouldn’t give that up for the world.

You fill my eyes with such beauty and my heart with delight; you expand my mind and help me through life’s lessons.

You give me wisdom when I am uncertain and clarity when I am confused.

You give me hope and light, when this Cancer recedes into his deep dark shell.

Above all; you give me all the things that I lack, without my knowing that they were ever lost; and on this Valentines Day, a day of celebrating life and love, I wouldn’t want to spend it with anyone other than you.


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