::: Cheap Therapy :::


Liars liars liars

How could be at all possible that a job could suck worse than, say, working at a movie theater concession stand? Even people that shovel shit for a living probably get paid more than I do and deal with less crap. Never in my life have I ever worked, or spoken to, so many moronic people in person and/or on the phone.

I just got off the phone with Beth (from Near & Associates); she said that she has left several messages and email for Norma to get back to her about me being hired full time or not. Of course, I didn’t see Beth show up on Monday like she said that she would. I don’t know what is worse, working for a company that could care less about you; or working for a temp agency that could care less about you trying to get a job at a place that could care less about you.

So Gideon’s party was pretty good. The proper word, I guess, would be ‘mind numbing’. I did allot of drinking, that means about eight beers (I am a light drinker), allot of smoking, and I even tried a ‘bean’ just so I could remember what it feels like. For all of you that wonder what ecstasy feels like, it starts off with a little tingle on the palm of your hands, usually about 30 minutes later your body begins to feel like a pool of water but your jaw stays clenched and you begin to grind your teeth. Liquids can really effect how you roll, OJ make you roll more, water makes you roll less, and alcohol (for me at least) is not a good combination at all. Imagine if your body was full of water, it kind of feels like the oceans tide inside of you and your sense of touch is very elevated. People that roll like to have their head scratched or their back rubbed because their skin just tingles with excitement. Would I ever do it again? Probably not, it was fun for old time’s sake, but it took me two days to recuperate. I tried to get Alecia to come with me to the party so she could see it first hand, but now that it is done and over with, I am glad that she didn’t because I partied hardy. A little too hardy actually, more than I had anticipated, my body didn’t stop aching until yesterday.

I saw a falling star last night, I made a wish; I would tell, but then it wouldn’t come true. I guess that is it for now then.


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