::: Cheap Therapy :::


Screwed Again!

As if things could not get any more interesting, I didn’t get paid this morning from Near & Associates. So let me just quickly review this situation:

  • I was told this was going to be an Ops position, which was conveniently filled the day I arrived for my interview.

  • I was never told about the 600hr. minimum (twice what other temp agencies call for) that I would have to work as temp before considered for permanent.

  • Never told that it is mandatory that all advisors work though their lunch on Mondays.

  • Wrongfully put on ‘suspension’ by Dialog because some customer said I was rude.

  • My ‘suspension’ ended two weeks ago and still no word on permanency.

  • I haven’t gotten paid this week because Dialog didn’t manage to fax my timecard before the regulated time set by Near & Associates.

I mean, damn! What is wrong with the corporate world? Is this how they like to do business? Is this how they like to treat their employees? I am sick and tired of getting shuffled around and brushed off by everyone.


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