::: Cheap Therapy :::


Pizza Hut ads

Pizza Hut ads that surely will make you think twice about washing your hands before you eat.

Link: http://sandeepmakam.blogspot.com/2006/06/clean-hands-by-pizza-hut.html


Here it is people, windows prototype desktop called BumpTop. The effects given to the icing (or tiles) to simulate gravity and mass are simply awesome, although it just doesn’t seem that useful. Check out the link below, you will have to see it to believe it, simply amazing....

Link: http://honeybrown.ca/Pubs/BumpTop.html


You know, Alecia and I were sitting on the porch and talking one day (as we do often), and she was talking about how she could not understand the man mind of thinking, when it comes to sleeping with a woman, that is. I told her it was pretty simple, it’s either a yes or a no, yes I would fuckem’ or no I wouldn’t. I told her that it doesn’t matter to guys about skin color or hairy legs or ‘mole-on-face’, men are willing to look past just about any annoyance or physical deformity to get some pussy. It really comes down to weather he will tell his friends about it the next morning. Take for instance a ‘chick’ alien from a movie: Queen alien from Alien – not in a million years, but Jedi alien from Star Wars – yea, I do her, even with those two big ass things coming out of her head. (On a side note, does that mean? Some women see it as weakness, and see it as a mindless dog chases after a ball.) It’s the way we are wired, to be predators. To hunt, to be engaged in ‘the chase’. So what does that mean ‘hard wired’? It means that when we were all dragging out knuckles as Neanderthals, men were the hunter and gathers. At that same time period, women nested, mothered, took care of family and home. I think that the most primitive chromosomes in our bodies still try to attach to those primitive instincts. Which brings us back to how we just hunt for pussy.

She and I have both talked about recording our conversations and providing a podcast. I wonder if people would even be interested in. We talked about creating simple cartoons of each others personalities, she wanted to be a white Foxy Brown character, or just about anything with cat ears and a tail. Coming up with the drawing is no problem, but figuring out how to animate it would be a whole different animal. I guess I would use flash, but considering I have tried to learn that program three times before and ended up deleting it out of frustration every time, makes it a little challenging.

Carolyn’s birthday came, and went. We (Jon, Brian, Me, Carolyn, Elain, her boyfriend, and Crystal) all went to The Forum, which is a dance/bar club downtown. The place used to be Club Mythos and was just as expensive. The night started out pretty good, until Alecia phoned and said that she wouldn’t be making it (as usual) because one of her good friends found out he was getting a divorce and spent his time bawling his eyes out over at her house. So the rest of my evening was spend standing off the balcony in the club, sipping beer, sulking, and tolerating the irritating and annoying drunken conversations the few bimbos stumbled up to talk to me. I was already pissed that Alecia didn’t show (again), so that pretty much destroyed my night. At one point in time, there was this girl named “Shelly” (whom I found on MySpace the next day); she was pretty cool. Graphic Designer, from Arizona, knows all about Mac, but feeling guilty (knowing this girl was looking for some action) about leading on a girl and I am in a relationship, so I gave her a wrong number, just like I did all the other girls. We got there around 9:30-10pm and didn’t end up leaving until 2. I didn’t actually get home until 4am. First time I have been in a nightclub in almost five years and maybe the last, and I was all alone. Not a fun time for me; my night ended pissed off, tired, drunk and alone.