::: Cheap Therapy :::


Aw man, where the hell do I start? Let’s see, last time I wrote, it was about those black bitches at Convergy’s/Sitel. Since then, one of the laziest of the bunch got a promotion. The ‘ring leader’, also knows as Jamilla, got promoted to a head HR position, to my dismay. I get fired and they get a promotion, I definitely don’t understand that.

Anyway, not to make you think that this is a complaining session, I got a new job about three weeks ago. I work for Pinnacle Amusements, an amusement equipments rental place. You can rent carnival equipment; like ‘moon-bounces’, and Farris wheels, and cotton candy machines, and video games. It’s a big change from the ‘corporate’ world, the office is small, with four people working in it; Dave Fisher (gray haired, Texan bellied guy that is usually frantically shuffling about to find out what is going on with the equipment or booking or payments.); Cindy Fisher (Dave’s ex-wife and co-business owner of the business. She barely knows what is going on, but can take repoir with the customers.); and there is Renee (The glue that holds the building together; she does everything as far as payroll, bookings, contracts, filing, and direct as can be as far as personality comes.) As far as what do I do there? Well, I’m not entirely sure right now. I just kind of soak it all in at this point. Every day has been different, which is great, but it doesn’t really allow me to get any kind of system for the whole thing. It’s kind of like having to have several systems for a whole lot of different little things. A system for entering a contract, getting it into the computer and printing the contract, seems to be the toughest one so far. The problem is that each circumstance is different; a client may get some special discount, or they made a deposit already or some sort of circumstance that I didn’t know previously to writing the contract. Getting the contract in what file, is also an issue. Someone may leave it on their desk, or file it in the wrong place, or give it to someone that doesn’t need to have it. It’s actually pretty easy to lose paperwork in that office. It is everywhere. Filing cabinets on every wall and drawers full of contracts and flyers and instruction manuals and time cards and paper and pencils and rubber bands. The catch is that I seem to be the only one with real computer knowledge, so everything is still based off of a paper filing system. The owner can barely turn on his computer, Cindy can pretty much surf the Internet, and Renee can only run basic office software, like Microsoft Word. I know that I haven’t been their long, but it’s little overwhelming sometimes.

Taryn is still in the picture. I went over to her house last night for her mom’s b-day. I have to admit, it was very impressive. It was a little intimidating being one of the only two Americans there. The other guy, Jon, is the boyfriend of the 19-year-old younger sister, Tracy. Jon is from West Virginia, and has been with Tracy for the last three years, so he is an old face in that house. I felt a little out of place and started drinking early, which was a mistake. I got all slow and could barely hold a decent conversation. They seem nice, and we all ended up playing poker that night. The night ended around eleven when the 75 year old, live-in, grandmother wins everything in the pot and walks away with all the chips. It was pretty fun overall, and the food was the bomb! As far as Taryn and I, well I guess everything is going fine. I know I like spending time with her, but she is self-conscious about her weight, so she is always pulling at her shirt of adjusting her blouse. It’s a little annoying. All and all though, she is a really great girl. I would love if she would lose a couple pounds, but now that her sexual side is coming out so she is starting to take a few more chances at being nude. Her accent is insatiable and delicious. She gives and exceptional blowjob, a little rough, but exceptional. She tastes good ‘downstairs’, and loves it doggie style. I can’t wait to see where it may go; I wonder what the catch is?