::: Cheap Therapy :::


Me 101 Questions

1. What is your guaranteed weeping movie?
Steel Magnolia when she dies at the end, although for some reason I get misty eyed during the reveals of redone and super cars on the TV show ‘Overhauling’.

2. If you could have plastic surgery, what would you have done?
I have always wanted a butt; I unfortunately have the no-ass-at-all syndrome

3. Do you have a fear of something physical?
Large animals bigger than me; like horses, bears and elephants.

4. Are you a pyromaniac?
Not in a sense that I burn everything, but I do like fire.

5. Do you know anyone famous?
Not that I know of; but an old best friend and neighbor persists he is the cousin of the TV evangelist Billy Graham

6. Who would play you in a movie?
Keanu Reaves, Kevin Bacon, or Sean Connery (representing me 20 years in the future)

7. Do you know how to play poker?
Yes, Texas Hold 'Em.

8. What do you carry with you at all times?
My cell phone and my car keys

9. Are you happy with your given name?
No. It’s so ordinary, especially with such a common last name

10. What color is your bedroom?
White, but it’s an apartment, it’s not like I have a choice.

11. What was the last song you were listening to?
‘Set Me Free’ by Velvet Revolver

12. Do you talk a lot?
Depends with whom.

13. What is your ideal marriage location?
The beach on an exotic island

14. What is your favorite fabric?

15. Something you love and also hate?
People – love a good rational educated conversation, hate stupid people.

16. What's one language you want to learn?

17. How do you eat an apple?
Granny Smith apple, uncut, washed.

18. Do you drive stick?
Yes. My first car was automatic and have been driving stick ever since.

19. Do you have any tattoos?
Yes, a ‘evil jester’ face on my left inner ankle, but working on a new family tattoo to get before I turn 30

20. What's one trait you dislike in a person?
Stupidity, self righteousness

21. Do you consider yourself to be materialistic?
I try not to be

22. What do you cook the best?
Steak, mashed potatoes, mushrooms

23. Do you prefer to standout or blend-in?
I like to standout as much as possible

24. What's the one car you will never buy?
Any SUV that doesn’t go off-road

25. One thing you would do if you won the lottery?
Become debt free, buy a home, travel, quit my job, get more tattoos/piercing

26. What's one thing you suck at?
Having tact

27. If you don't like a person, how do you show it?
I don’t talk to them and try to stay as far away as possible.

28. What's one thing you like to do alone?
Drive super fast, like 140mph

29. Are you a giver or a taker?
Mostly a giver

30. When's the last time you cried?
I was watching ‘Overhauling’

31. Do you play chess?
Yes, absolutely! I can teach you how

32. Do you like the rain?

33. Do you like thunderstorms?
Especially in the summer

34. What was your weight when you were born?
More than 2 lbs.; less than 10lbs.

35. What time you were born? Where?
Around 10:30am in Charlotte, NC

36. Were you named after anyone?
Not that I know of.

37. Do you like your handwriting?
Yes, although I am told I write like my father.

38. What is your favorite lunch meat?


39. Do you have kids? Want some?
No, and not really.

40. If you were another person, would you be friends with yourself? Yes, and I would appreciate my opinion because I know that they would be brutally honest.

41. Do you have a Journal?
Yes, one on the web of common events I like to share; and a more personal one I keep on my laptop

42. Do you use sarcasm allot?

43. Do you still have your tonsils?

44. Would you bungee jump?
Yes, but probably not skydive

45. What’s your favorite cereal?
Cooooookie Crisp or Captain Crunch

46. Do you unite your shoes when you take them off?

47. Do you think you are strong?
Yes, mildly strong for my size

48. What’s your favorite ice cream flavor?
Toss up between raw cookie dough and mint chocolate chip (but it must be green)

49. What’s your shoe size?
9 ½ - 10

50. What is your least favorite thing about you?
I get irritated very easily when I am in a hurry

51. Who do you miss the most?
Nanny, my mom’s mother.

52. What color pants and shoes are you wearing right now?
Black dress shoes with black and grey suit pants (I am at work)

53. Last thing you ate?
A bagel cucumber and alphalfa sandwich from Dean & Deluca

54. What are you listening to right now?
Lore talking on the phone in the cube next to me. Black women laughing too loudly in the distance. The keys clicking on the keyboard.

55. If you were a crayon, what color would you be?
Metallic Silver

56. Favorite smell?
Alecia in the morning right after I wake up and roll over

57. Who is the last person you talked to on the phone?
An associate at a banking center (I am at work, remember)

58. The first thing that you notice about people that you are attracted to?
Their face and/or smile

59. Favorite drink?
Egg Nog straight out of the carton

60. Favorite sport?
Swimming or Billiards

61. Eye color?

62. Hat size?
Hats come in sizes!?

63. Do you wear contacts?
No, but I really wish I needed glasses

64. Favorite food?
Any breakfast food that is home made

65. Scary movie or happy ending movie?
Happy ending movie. Although any movie where something blows up is entertaining

66. Last movie you watched at the movie theatre?
Superman Returns

67. What color shirt are you wearing?
Green button down dress shirt with a tint of red when the light hits it right

68. Summer or winter?
Summer at the beach, winter in the mountains with lots of wood to burn

69. Hugs or kisses?

70. Favorite dessert?
Anything that has sugar in it

71. What books are you reading?
I haven’t read an actual book since middle school (Old Yeller)

72. What’s on your mouse pad?
My mouse pad is actually a miniature velvet rug

73. What did you watch on TV last night?
Flipping between Discovery channel and History channel and Comedy Central

74. Favorite sounds?
Purring, either from fast cars, cats, or women.

75. Rolling Stones or the Beatles?
Beatles (if I had to choose), at least they are dead and can’t make anymore albums

76. The furthest you’ve been from home?

77. What’s your special talent?
I have always been artistic and had a good eye, but computers seem to like me and I like them.

78. How many piercing/tattoos do you have?
I currently have four piercing and one tattoo.

79. If it were free (including insurance) what type of vehicle would you have?
A huge yacht big enough to live in and tour the world.

80. When the last time you got a ticket and what was it for?
For parking downtown and not paying, two days ago.

81. Can you name all 50 states without looking at a map?
Maybe, if I had a few hours & a pencil and paper to write them down

82. Can you remember your first French kiss?
Yes; with Jenny Swinson at her b-day party, she had to stand on the stoop behind her house because she was s short. I think I was around 15.

83. Who in your immediate family would you say you are closest to?
My brother, even though we don’t get to talk much.

84. How many brother and/or sisters do you have?
One older sister and one younger brother, (and an older-older ½ sister from my Dad’s side)

85. Do you believe in Luck?
No, but I believe in Karma

86. Are you superstitious?
Only with walking over pennies, nickels, or dimes that are tales up. Quarters I pick up.

87. Do you believe in magic?
Not after my mom and my brother became magicians for a while.

88. Are you a talker or a listener?

89. If you could live in any time period, when would it be?
The Roaring 1920’s as long as I was rich; although I am not sure I could do without internet.

90. If you could have a shopping spree, at what store would it be at?
Best Buy

91. What is the earliest memory you have?
When my sister blindfolded me and fed me cat food; I got sick that night. I think I was around 5 or 6.

92. Pencil or Pen?
Pencil, must have eraser!

93. What color underwear are you wearing right now?

94. Are you a morning person, or a night owl?
Depends on if I am on vacation or not.

95. If you could pick any animal as a pet, what would it be?
A properly trained Dragon

96. If you could have dinner with any two famous people (dead or alive) who would it be?
Steven Jobs and Einstein

97. If you could choose any ONE superpower, what would it be?

98. If you could make any fictional character reality, which would it be?

99. What instrument you wish you could play?

100. Would you rather be brilliant and hideous or pretty and dumb?

101. If you had to pick one of your five senses to do without, what would it be?
Hearing, I could do without all the chatter, but no music would be annoying…