::: Cheap Therapy :::


checking in

Well, I guess it’s been a while since I have written.

You know, things seem to be going pretty good for me right now, and one of the reasons why I started writing these segments was because I had a lot of issues that I had to work out. Since I started writing these entries more than 5 years ago, I have gotten a lot of questions answered and unfolded a few new ones.

I really like my job at ‘the bank’. I sit in front of a computer all day and look at HTML code of Phishing emails the public sends the bank. Occasionally I talk to an associate of the bank (in any random state) to discuss a possible breach of bank information, stolen laptops and/or Blackberries. I listen to my iPod, or occasionally swing by cnn.com and read the news to give my brain a break. All and all, it’s a pretty sweet gig; and the pay rocks too!

I have to move out of my apartment by the end of July. Well, August 6th, to be exact. Jimmy (my current roommate, who is gay as hell and beginning to irritate me how he undresses me with his eyes when he thinks I am not looking) decided to move because they raised the rent for the apartment by $50, and he mentioned he would like to live closer to where he works (one building over from where I work, downtown). He has been pressuring me about moving downtown with him, but I don’t know if I could possibly stand him any longer. I have begun to get verbally short with him, and tend to stay away from the mass of confusion and that constantly surrounds him. Needless to say, I am looking for a place to live by myself. So, in lew of my moving, it might be a while before I stop by again, but when I do I will probably have a lot to talk about.

We will see who helps me move, who ‘goes the extra mile’.