::: Cheap Therapy :::


1 week in

Well, today is Friday (the 30th of June); I have been working ‘The Bank’ job for about a week now. They still don’t have my computer up and running with all the passwords and authorization. From what I hear from the other three employees that I work with, that is typical. My coworkers said they had to wait about a week for all their access. I do, though, on the other hand have access to the internet; but of course The Bank has a lot of sites blocked off. So I have just been shadowing a few coworkers so I could get a feel for what it is that I actually will be doing. The job seems pretty easy. To summarize it; any data or personal information that relates the ‘The Bank’ that has been compromised (whether it be through a stolen laptop, terminated employee, or internet hacked site or email) we are sent an email concerning the leaked information and authorized to take the means necessary to control the leak of information. At least it will be interesting. I have already seen things that hackers have done to HTML that I hadn’t thought was possible.

Alecia d
ecided that she will not be moving in with me, which puts me in a bind, but their isn’t really anything I can do about it except just roll with the punches. One month left, until I won’t have a place to live, so I better get that ball rolling.

My birthday, July 4th, is right around the corner. (This coming Tuesday actually, banker hours allow me to be home for the day, won’t that be nice.) Kevin and Lisa are having a party at their house for the weekend after the forth, of course all the sly fellas and hot honey’s will be there for my birthday. I plan on getting REALLY drunk and making an ass of myself.
Alecia asked me what I wanted to do for my actual birthday day, I just said to have wild and crazy kinky sex, but I didn’t really have an answer. I would imagine that Jimmy will be at home, so that kinda is going to spoil any ‘running around the house naked’ time. I would like to do something out of the ordinary, something special, but seeing as that is a holiday, most places close early or not open at all.
Here are some ideas that may or may not work: skinny dipping (anywhere), bungee jumping, Han gliding, rock climbing, renting motorcycles and going riding in the mountains, the beach, going to a restaurant (Outback / The Penguin** / Knife and Fork / Chili’s / Applebee’s) and eating and drinking with lots of friends for hours (and not have to pay a dime), doing something dangerous, taking chances, get a tattoo, get something pierced…
Things I am tired of doing on my birthday: watching fireworks, eating hotdogs and hamburgers, sitting around all my friends and staring at each other, playing videogames, shopping.


Pizza Hut ads

Pizza Hut ads that surely will make you think twice about washing your hands before you eat.

Link: http://sandeepmakam.blogspot.com/2006/06/clean-hands-by-pizza-hut.html


Here it is people, windows prototype desktop called BumpTop. The effects given to the icing (or tiles) to simulate gravity and mass are simply awesome, although it just doesn’t seem that useful. Check out the link below, you will have to see it to believe it, simply amazing....

Link: http://honeybrown.ca/Pubs/BumpTop.html


You know, Alecia and I were sitting on the porch and talking one day (as we do often), and she was talking about how she could not understand the man mind of thinking, when it comes to sleeping with a woman, that is. I told her it was pretty simple, it’s either a yes or a no, yes I would fuckem’ or no I wouldn’t. I told her that it doesn’t matter to guys about skin color or hairy legs or ‘mole-on-face’, men are willing to look past just about any annoyance or physical deformity to get some pussy. It really comes down to weather he will tell his friends about it the next morning. Take for instance a ‘chick’ alien from a movie: Queen alien from Alien – not in a million years, but Jedi alien from Star Wars – yea, I do her, even with those two big ass things coming out of her head. (On a side note, does that mean? Some women see it as weakness, and see it as a mindless dog chases after a ball.) It’s the way we are wired, to be predators. To hunt, to be engaged in ‘the chase’. So what does that mean ‘hard wired’? It means that when we were all dragging out knuckles as Neanderthals, men were the hunter and gathers. At that same time period, women nested, mothered, took care of family and home. I think that the most primitive chromosomes in our bodies still try to attach to those primitive instincts. Which brings us back to how we just hunt for pussy.

She and I have both talked about recording our conversations and providing a podcast. I wonder if people would even be interested in. We talked about creating simple cartoons of each others personalities, she wanted to be a white Foxy Brown character, or just about anything with cat ears and a tail. Coming up with the drawing is no problem, but figuring out how to animate it would be a whole different animal. I guess I would use flash, but considering I have tried to learn that program three times before and ended up deleting it out of frustration every time, makes it a little challenging.

Carolyn’s birthday came, and went. We (Jon, Brian, Me, Carolyn, Elain, her boyfriend, and Crystal) all went to The Forum, which is a dance/bar club downtown. The place used to be Club Mythos and was just as expensive. The night started out pretty good, until Alecia phoned and said that she wouldn’t be making it (as usual) because one of her good friends found out he was getting a divorce and spent his time bawling his eyes out over at her house. So the rest of my evening was spend standing off the balcony in the club, sipping beer, sulking, and tolerating the irritating and annoying drunken conversations the few bimbos stumbled up to talk to me. I was already pissed that Alecia didn’t show (again), so that pretty much destroyed my night. At one point in time, there was this girl named “Shelly” (whom I found on MySpace the next day); she was pretty cool. Graphic Designer, from Arizona, knows all about Mac, but feeling guilty (knowing this girl was looking for some action) about leading on a girl and I am in a relationship, so I gave her a wrong number, just like I did all the other girls. We got there around 9:30-10pm and didn’t end up leaving until 2. I didn’t actually get home until 4am. First time I have been in a nightclub in almost five years and maybe the last, and I was all alone. Not a fun time for me; my night ended pissed off, tired, drunk and alone.


last day at Lowe's

So my last day at Lowe’s is tomorrow. It turns out that I did actually get that job at the bank! It pays double what I was making at Lowe’s and the hours are a whole hell of a lot better. I am to start this new marvel banking ‘security and fraud detection’ adventure on the 26th of June, but figured I could work in some vacation time in between jobs, so I told Lowe’s I was going to be starting a week early so I could take a little time off. I will be glad when I get out of there. I was nice while it lasted, but I can truly say that I am not sad to see it go. It was nice in the aspect that I was able to get off my ass and get in shape a little, talk to a lot of different people and share ideas, thoughts and creativity about how to build things. Some things that I will not miss: Those hard ass concrete floors that make your feet throb by the end of the night, the store manager ‘Donald’ who has got to be one of the most annoying people I have ever met, and of course the stupid questions made by other humans. (like if I am making keys for one customer and another walks up and asks me if we cut keys…) Tomorrow I will be working from 8am-3:30pm (Sunday), if you are in the Pineville area and decide to stop by the Lowe’s off of 51 near Carolina Place Mall, feel free to drop in and congratulate me on my first real corporate job, I will be near or in the Hardware Department.

I still have no plans or idea what to do for my birthday (which is in 2 weeks). I would really like to have a huge bash, but I don’t think that is going to happen. I will probably inevitably be a little low on funds, and it’s just about impossible to get my friends to do anything together unless something free is involved. Kevin and Lisa seem to be the only two that are really socially active. I wonder what their deal is? What is it that Kev and Lisa find in each other? (Kev and Lisa are the couple featured in the pictures from the last time that I wrote.) She has got to do something right, although I am not sure what. Maybe they are either hardcore sex freaks or swingers and they don’t think that their friends would understand. (Swingers call non-swingers ‘vanilla’) I am sure that I can try to understand whatever it is that they find in each other. I think it’s actually kinda cute. Big geeky bald guy meets short round host with the most.

Last night Alecia and I were supposed to eventually get together after she got off work so she could spend the night and we would wake up early today together to review some houses or town homes available for rent in Charlotte. Alas, she got off work at 5:30pm and wasn’t ready for me to come over until 9:30pm last night, plus she didn’t spend the night, so hear I sit again waiting by the phone for her to call and tell when she is ready. I called and left a message letting her know that I was up and waiting. It will make things so much easier when we live together. I won’t have to wait; she will already be there, so all I will have to do then is to learn the tell-tale signs and process of which she gets ready. (so that way I am still not waiting on her to get ready, I just won’t start getting ready until she is almost done.)
Ah, so she just called me. So let’s use this situation as an example. I got up at 8:30am and called her. It is now 9:30am when she returned my call. She said that she is going to get ready, stop by to get some bagels and a paper and then come over…let’s see how long it takes her (she lives about 2 miles away)…
……10:30am she arrives.
Now, 1 hour isn’t bad at all, in fact that is really a bad example. If fact, it’s been a couple days since that happened and now that I think about it, I really shouldn’t be complaining. I mean, yea, I know, I have dated girls in the past that would be anywhere from 2 hours to 2 days late, so when you compare it to 1 hour, that seems pretty reasonable. [telling myself] lighten up! I know you want to spend more time with her, but getting all over her case about petty stuff like rushing to come see you is kinda trivial…

Lately though, a new and wonderful thing has been happening. Alecia has really started breaking down some sexual conservative walls. Sure, we still do the doggystyle and her being on top; but she has started giving blowjob on a more regular basis. Once more, she swallows! When we were in the shower, she even let me bath her, even her ass. Not her ass cheeks, but her actual ass hole. Now I know what you are thinking, but for a woman that jumps when a finger even brushes by her backdoor she proceeds to tell me that she is totally not interested in anal sex at all. (Um, honey, just because I am gonna touch it, doesn’t mean I am gonna fuck it.) I was pleasantly surprised though. She did jump a little when I did, but just took it. After we got out of the shower, she started blowing me right there in the bathroom (a first for her and I, and totally hot!) and slipped a finger by some of my nether regions. I jumped a little too, but I was totally impressed by her actually making a move like that. The way she made anal contact sound, it was like it was going to require biochemical suits and a pressurized chamber. Alls I am sayin, is that I was impressed, pleased, and anxious to meet such a challenge as to do something sexual with someone that I care about, that they have never done before… and hope that we can keep learning together. What guy doesn’t like a good challenge?


You know I like art

You know; I like art and advertisement, and what better selling tool than sex. Check out these sexy ads I found on the web. The ‘before and after’ chocolate condom one is probably my favorite.






I have my nipple pierced, and I am not the only one. Salute to you Pink! That’s the wonderful thing about getting things pierced, you can always take them out if you get tired of them, without spending thousands of dollars on laser surgery.



What better way to fight gas prices than riding a bike; and what better way to protest anything than with nudity. So why not protest high gas prices by riding your bike down New York’s downtown streets naked (until you get something caught in the spokes…)?! Oh, wait, that’s already happening….




A porn producer thinks he has found the magic elixir for boners. Who needs Viagra, Cialis or Levitra; when you have paint thinner?



I have been Bewitched. The smell of her hair in the morning intoxicates me to no end. Rolling over and wrapping my arm around her makes me finally feel like I am home, no matter where I might be. The fresh sound of her breath in my ear melt my knees and grabs my attention like a child tasting chocolate for the first time. A candy so sweet and sinfully good you just want more and more until it feels like my heart will explode. Our deep conversations fill my head with pleasure and ecstasy as if she had cast a spell on me to be captivated by every breath she takes. Relentless, unforgiving and merciless my feelings grow with every bat of her eyes in my direction as if to call out and guide my transatlantic heart to land on her runway of passion and desire. I cannot help myself, I cannot stop now. I cannot imagine being without her. [ the picture is a combination of an unforgettable night we recently had together involving a digital camera, some clothes from the mall and some inspiration in photoshop. ‘mmmm; Dat’s a Spiciey Meet-a-bual!’-bad itialian accent. ]

Jimmy, my roommate has got to be the most fucked up in the head for a person that I have ever met. I will be glad when I move out of his place at the end of the month (hopefully). He rarely picks up after himself and will not do anything unless you ask him to. Then when he does actually do something, like a simple task such a vacuuming, he expects some kind of reward for it. Not to mention how tired I get of him staring my down like a piece of meat when Alecia is not here. Needless to say, Jimmy was a bad selection for a roommate.

I had an interview at ‘well established international bank’ (BoA) a few days ago for their Internet fraud team. I haven’t heard anything yet, but it would be a big pay raise (that I think I have deserved for a while now), so keep you fingers crossed. I should hear something by Monday. It will be nice to get away from Lowes, I couldn’t tell you how many times I get told by other employees there that ‘I do too much’. I think they just say that because I am making them look bad. Although, hard work and long hours don’t seem to get you anywhere in the world these days. It seems like if you want to get anywhere in the world these days, you gotta know someone in the inside. Someone that already works there or has a lot of pull with the company.