::: Cheap Therapy :::


I'm rich biach!

Well, so I finally got in touch with Beth at Near and Associates (the temp agency I go through) and updated her on my revelation of going back to school. I mentioned that I haven’t heard anything from Financial Aid, but would be interested in full/part time here at Dialog while I go to school to get my degree. I also mentioned that I haven’t said anything to Norma ‘Jabba’ Baker (my boss) about any of it (schooling, Financial Aid or part time). Beth said that she would be coming by the office to check out the facilities and speak with Norma in person.

I got my Federal and State tax returns today. I got back almost $1000.00 total, although I will probably be dumping it all into a credit card that I owe on when I bought my G4 Apple laptop (Yukiko- meaning ‘small’ and ‘white like snow’ in Japanese) and iPod last year. After making my big payment, it will only leave about $400 left to pay off on that card. It would have been paid off already, but I had to pay off Cingular for shutting off Jenny’s phone six months ago. Man, those cellular companies really know how to screw you in the financial department.

Alecia and I had our first real argument. It was about something that I wrote in my blog; my last previous entry as a matter of fact. I know what’s good for me, so I dare not mention what I wrote again, but we talked about it and everything seems to be fine. I was a little concerned that she was so sensitive about it, and she was concerned that I was so insensitive about it, but I am sure that we will find a happy medium in the middle somewhere. At least both of us are mature enough to discuss it like adults rather than just running off to our own rooms and pouting about it; maturity is a wonderful thing.

Gideon’s birthday is on this Monday, but I believe we are all getting together at Jon’s to celebrate tomorrow night. I have heard word that we will all be ‘talking to Elvis’ and a possibility of some ‘beans’ being on the premise. Now, it has been years since I ‘rolled’ (mmmm, double stack Mitsubishi's; my favorite!), and possibly considering doing it once more for old times sake, but I guess that really depends if I will be attending the party alone or not. I know Alecia has never tried rolling, and I would be interested in finding out what she would be like, but it’s not really high up on the priority list. I may just go to drink, smoke, and hang out; besides, I think I might be getting a little old to be ‘rolling’. I don’t ever want to be that typical anti-drug commercial where the 40 year old dude dancing in a night club looking for his dealer, surrounded by teens; then the next shot is of him sitting in his parents’ basement getting high. Yikes, that thought kinda freaks me out.


Soul Rejuvination

Wow, what can I say? My mind is still spinning from yesterday. My body feels like jello and someone keeps turning the room on me, sometimes even spinning.

[Jaba won’t be into work today, she feels sick; thank you God! So I won’t have to deal with her hovering around the room and her little henchmen will be leaving me alone.]

Alecia came over on Saturday morning and didn’t really leave my side until Sunday night. It was exceptional! I feel so relaxed and stress free today. I had big plans for this weekend, to celebrate Valentines Day, and made a reservation at a local hotel. The game plan was to scoop her up on Friday night, take her to the hotel, enjoy a night without roommates, and on the next day take a devilish skinny dip in the hotel’s hot tub after I have filled the entire room with bubble bath bubbles. Unfortunately, she had to hang with one of her friends Friday night, so I had to cancel the reservations. Like I said; she DID, though, come over on Saturday morning and I don’t think we disconnected from each other until Sunday night. We had the most wonderful sex, I think three times but honestly, the last 72 hours have been a blur of passion, kissing, holding, biting, grinding, licking and cuddling. It was bliss; nirvana even (and I don’t mean the band). She just seems to rejuvenate my soul and calm my skittish thoughts and calm my inner anger (anger about the stupidity of other people and societies dysfunctional way of functioning; which she shares the same sentiment about how she feels about the same thing.) She said that we had the best sex that she had ever had and that she wishes that she could do something to repay me, but she already does so much for me, I just don’t think she realizes it no matter how I put it.

I love her, and everything about her. From her red hair to her tiny little toes, even when I over dose on WOW and she still eggs me on to play more. I don’t mind because I know she enjoys it. I just can’t put it into words how much and how close she has grown to me. It almost brings me to tears to think about life without her, I wouldn’t trade her for anything in the world.


The day after....

Well, Valentines Day has come and gone, I still have plans laid out for this weekend, but of course I can’t mention that yet because that would be letting the cat out of the bag. A new episode of LOST is on tonight, but more importantly I get to spend some more time with Alecia. We were playing WOW last night and my 15yo niece (Taylor) called and of course had to gossip for a while. She lives in Chatanooga, which isn’t a bad thing; I don’t know if I could deal with a 15yo; although, what is going to happen when my sister’s daughter (Jordan) turns 15? Well, I’ll be 38 by then, I guess it will be a little different. Hopefully.

Alecia got me the iTrip for my iPod, it is SO much better than that piece-o-shit Belkin FM Transmitter. iTrip does use up the iPod battery life a little quicker, but battery life has never been a problem.

Work is a little more tolerable lately. Dialog Telecommunications implemented new software to replace the 5 programs we were using before. My manager has her hands full trying to work out the bugs; therefore she doesn’t have as much time to critique my every move and word on the phone every second of every day. It has almost makes this job enjoyable, but not quite.


A Valentines letter to Alecia

The sight of you calms my soul and mind races as soon as you step through my door almost every evening. I can’t seem to see enough of you, as an hour of time with you appears to go by in seconds. I feel empty when you are away, like someone had ripped my very essence out of my body. Just having you near seems to put mind to rest and thoughts of us being together as two old people sipping tea and still holding hands in our 80’s, watching the sunset, float though my mind.

It’s difficult to put into words how complete you make me feel; how you can gently touch my hand and shivers creep up my spine. You do so many things that I appreciate on a daily basis that I don’t even know if you know I care.

We seem to have a telepathic bond like none other, we almost don’t have to speak to one another; you can just look at me a certain way and I know what is on your mind.

You seem to never tire of scratching my back or running your fingers though my hair as we have spent countless hours on that uncomfortable couch.

I have walked in your footsteps from Horde to Alliance Continent and back again on a game that I really had no interest in the beginning, but may not be able to live without after spending priceless hours helping each other, I wouldn’t give that up for the world.

You fill my eyes with such beauty and my heart with delight; you expand my mind and help me through life’s lessons.

You give me wisdom when I am uncertain and clarity when I am confused.

You give me hope and light, when this Cancer recedes into his deep dark shell.

Above all; you give me all the things that I lack, without my knowing that they were ever lost; and on this Valentines Day, a day of celebrating life and love, I wouldn’t want to spend it with anyone other than you.


Day of reckoning

Well, it looks like I am going to be taking the big plunge. I have finally gotten off my lazy ass to go back to school, well at least started the process. A few days ago, I went to see a ‘counselor’ (all he did was print out a list of my completed classes from 2000) and we worked out that it would probably be best for me just to complete my current degree – Associates in Computer Sciences with Advertising and Graphic Design. That sounds much more official than a ‘drawing degree’ or an ‘illustrationeer’. CPCC (Central Piedmont Community College) has really changed in the past 6 years since I have been there. The school has pretty much revamped most of the campus and moved allot of the classes around, but the art department is still in the good ol’ cellar building. (A much smaller building that is actually lower in somewhat in the ground compared to the other buildings. It is older, damp, and a little moldy, but I feel such a sense of creativity just by walking near the front door. It feels like a warm glow emanating from the building, like the way the sun warms your bare skin on a cold day.)

Work is still…….well, work. What can I say about it? It blows big ass monkey balls. This current job that I have at Dialog Telecommunications is one of the biggest reasons why I am going back to school. I have come to realize that I am smarter than all these fools that I run into at the gas stations and Best Buy. I know I tried the school thing earlier (from 1998-2000) and I quit because I felt that I wasn’t really learning anything. Well, the fact that whether you learn anything or not is really irrelevant in the real world, one of the major things is that you have that diploma. There are so many dumb asses in the world, and the diploma (evidently) is the only way that jobs determine who is full of shit and who actually knows their stuff.

I haven’t really worked out how I am going to pay for school, but I do know that my current job (‘crapalog’) is probably not going to work with me as far as a school schedule goes. I am going to the mother-ship’s house to go over Financial Aid forms this weekend, and to do my taxes. Joy joy joy! Forms forms forms! Headache headache headache! ……but it’s a means to an end.




Boob Chart

Here is a funny 'chart' I found surfing the web. Have a good laugh, enjoy.


Feb Begins

Still captivated in the whirlwind of love, the day that we all celebrate our feelings of passion and contentment is drawing near, Valentines Day. The one day out of the year where love reigns and just about every Hotel and Bed & Breakfast is booked up so most human adults can get their groove on. Millions are spent on chocolate and flowers, but what most women really want for Valentines Day is some of your time and a little thoughtfulness. I have been trying to come up with a good idea for Valentines Day, but it’s a little difficult being so broke all the time. I thought about a nice impromptu beach trip, or maybe whisking Alecia away for a mountain rendezvous at a small Bed & Breakfast with a hot tub in the snow, [For example: azalea-inn.com] but unfortunately funds seem to be the problem. (That and they are all booked until the end of February.)

Tonight is LOST, and I believe that Alecia will be spending the night. Ooohhh, spending the night on a weeknight! Dangerous, devious, I feel like I am sneaking behind my parents back…. It is oh-so tantalizing.

Work still blows, but what else is new. It seems to be a hit or miss with that place. Either I have a fairly decent day or it completely sucks, their doesn’t seem to be any middle ground. I am really getting tired of fearing my job; fearing whether I still have a job and kissing managers and coworkers’ asses to try to keep it. Whatever…